Thursday, December 13, 2012

Q.W.P. Wristband iMovie Commericals

We have been graphing our Quincy Wetland Wristband Fundraiser totals, and noticed that whenever we do an announcement we see a small spike in sales.  So, we decided to have a little fun competition to see which group could create the best commercial to keep our sales moving up.  All of the groups did a great job, and all are sharing their commercials with different classrooms throughout the school.

The above commercial was the student voted winner, and was featured throughout the school in an email to the staff and shared with many classrooms.  We have currently sold a little over half of our 600 bracelets, so if any parents would like to sign 10- 20 bracelets out to sell around town that would also help.

The interesting part about the wristband fundraiser is that it's turned into such a great economics project within itself.  Throughout the years of teaching econonmics I've noticed how difficult it is to get kids to understand the basic concepts.  This year we are having daily discussions about markets, profit, debt, goods, and consumers.  I have the feeling that this experience will make the study of economics much easier when we get to the unit.

We are hoping to raise enough money with these wristbands to fully fund our information signs for our Quincy Nature Interpretive Trail in the Wetland.  So, again if anyone wants to sign a few bracelets out and sell in the community that would be fantastic!  They make great stocking stuffers!

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