Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Quincy Wetland Ebook

Quincy Wetland Resource Guide

iBook Creator has evolved to the point where we can now share this project out from last year.  Mrs. Johnson and I worked together with the fifth graders from last year to put together this wetland guide from our school wetland ponds.  We have some other ideas on the burner now that we can push this tool out to kids.  Exciting times!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Hemlock Crossings Sturgeon Presentation

Students working on the presentation

Videoing tasks of Sturgeon Care

Right before the presentation!

They looked so professional!
We presented our Sturgeon in the Classroom Project at Hemlock Crossings Nature Center last week!   56 people were in attendance to hear all about how we raise our lake sturgeon, care for its environment, and release it into the wild.  The students did an amazing job!  We will be releasing our classroom fish "River" this coming weekend in Onaway MI.  This marks the fourth consecutive year of our program and "River" will be the fifth lake sturgeon that we have raised here at Quincy Elementary.