Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Tree Ship Play , Optional Winter Stretch

Thank you everyone for the hats,gloves, scarves, and  mittens(for His Harvest Stand)!  Thank for the presents to me as well, they were fantastic!  Tell the kids I was so proud of their “Christmas Tree Ship Theatre” they performed for our reading buddies from kindergarten.  It was a great learning experience, they did it all themselves, practiced at recess, dealt with issues, and eventually performed a great show about a great story from our area. 
I attached the Winter Stretch packet in the email.  I told the kids who complete it there will be a Sturgeon Prize for them when they return.  I have some cool stuff to give away! 
Get ready for the Balloon Car Challenge after break. 
I can…
Create a conclusion that connects my life to the theme of a story.
Compare and Contrast Characters in a story
Demonstrate Motion on a Graph
Describe forces that affect the motion of objects.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas Tree Ship / Balloon Car Challenge

This week we began our Force and Motion unit. Next week we’ll be learning all about the “Rouse Simmons” or better known in the early 1900’s as the Christmas Tree Ship. This week we did some marble time trials, and built mini roller coasters. This coming week we’ll do some measuring of distance over time to calculate speed.  When we get back from Christmas Break we’ll begin building our Balloon Cars with the end goal of racing them and crowning an overall Balloon Car Champion.  It’s a lot of fun and a great way to get the kids working in design teams and building something using the force and motion content expectations I’m teaching in the first part of this unit.  
I can…
Write a Literary Essay
Quote accurately from text when drawing inferences
Make Observations of the motion of an object over distance and time.
Describe forces that affect the motion of objects.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday, Tuesday, and Thanksgiving Break

Math Video - Fractions multiplied by Fractions

Math Video - Fractions multiplied by Whole Numbers

We have a short week coming up.   We will be doing some finish up work and getting ready for nice long Thanksgiving Break. 
We will be finishing our Systems and Survival unit shortly after break.  We spent some time this week working on our Wetland Investigation iBook.  It is looking good so far!  We are hoping to have it uploaded to iTunes for download before Christmas Break.  It will be very helpful for students in the future to show all the questions and research the kids did on the wetlands this year.  
Have a great restful Thanksgiving with friends and family.

 I can…
Identifying theme and author’s message.
Compare and Contrast two or more settings or events in a story.
Generate scientific questions based on observations.  Design and conduct scientific experiments.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sturgeon Arrival/Native American Day and Conferences

Our sturgeon arrived today!  It was exciting to get the fish in it’s new home.  We will have to decide on a name next week, and start the hard work of caring for the fish daily with feeding and water testing. 
The kids also did a great job on our Native American Day.  It was great to see their projects done well and presented to the younger students.  Thank you for all the donations and support for our special days here at Quincy!
This week is conferences Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  I am looking forwarding to meeting with all of you! 

 I can…
Identifying theme and author’s message.
Use pronouns to show an author using third person.
Generate scientific questions and hypothesis, based on observations and research.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Biotic Index of Quincy’s Wetland and Sturgeon Learning

We completed our wetland assessment this week.  Stay tuned for the results.  This coming week we will be learning all about our Great Lakes Sturgeon in preparation for our fish’s arrival!  We’ll take a look at it’s unique physical/behavioral characteristics, and all the reasons it has become endangered.  The students will be making life sized sturgeon and labeling the characteristics, as well as life cycle. 

Pumpkin carving begins at 1:30-2:15

Costume Parade starts at 2:30-3:00pm

You may take the students home, just please make sure to check out with me.


 I can…

Use key ideas to Connect Scenes to Overall Story.

Use sensory details for setting in our personal narratives.

Evaluate physical adaptations and behavioral adaptations.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Goldfish Lab and Biotic Index of Quincy’s Wetland

This week we learned about animal adaptations and had some fun testing the breathing rates of gold fish in different water temperatures.  The kids enjoyed observing the drop in breathing rates of the gold fish and also the drop in heart rates in the daphnia as a cold blooded response adaptation. 

This coming week the kids will begin to assess the health of our wetland using Biotic Wetland Assessment for citizens developed at Michigan State University.  

REMINDER pumpkin carving arty and halloween parade notes.  We are all set with treats and supplies, however, could use a few extra smaller pumpkins as back up for kids who forget or kids that might not bring one. 

 I can…

Use key ideas to Connect Scenes to Overall Story.

Use sensory details for setting in our personal narratives.

Evaluate physical adaptations and behavioral adaptations.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Daphnia Lab and Goldfish Lab

This week we were able to catch and isolate some Daphnia from our wetland.  I was surprised at the different macroinvertebrates we caught.  The kids had a lot of fun learning about these little critters and their characteristics.
We were able to conduct a few experiments on the Daphnia.  We measured their heart rate in normal conditions and then added different variables of 5% rubbing alcohol and cold water.  The kids generated their own hypothesis of whether or not the Daphnia’s heart rate would increase or decrease.  Ask them about the “Daphnia Song”.
We will also be doing some cold blooded experiments on gold fish.  I will be looking for some good homes for these little gold fish.  Just email or call and you can pick them up.
  Pumpkin Carving Party and Halloween Parade.  See attached note to email.
 I can…
Determine the character motivations and character traits.
Write a personal narrative using a story mountain.
Distinguish between inherited and acquired traits.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Bike Trip and Macroinvertebrates

We had a great time on the bike trip Thursday!  The head wind we had on the way home really challenged the kids and adults!  All and all a big thank you to all the parent volunteers!  We couldn’t do it without you!

Our endangered species handler permit came in the mail this week from the DNR!  It’s always a neat feeling to get that.  Our Lake Sturgeon should arrive near the end of October. This week we will do some in depth experiments with the macroinvertebrate “Daphnia pulex”  Stay tuned for pics and video next week!

It’s been an action packed start of the school year with all the trips!  I always feel lucky to work in a district with such great parental support!  Thanks again parents!

 I can…

Determine the theme of a story using details from the text

Write a personal narrative using a story map

Observe and record heart rates of circulatory system in Daphina Pulex.

Generate a hypothesis of heart rate when using variables and control groups.