Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Poetry Project / Enjoy Spring Break

This week the kids did a poetry project called Aurora Borealis Concrete Poems in celebration of national poetry month.  The kids used watercolors to make their best impression of a silhouette with the northern lights.  It’s a nice segway into our next science unit “Under The Night Sky” shortly after break. 
We had a great time at the “Thrilla in McMilla” dog sled race this past weekend.  Seeing the kids drive their own team and live out what we’ve studied is always such a treat.  Keep in mind you are welcome to join us for the race in future years if you couldn’t make it up this year.  Just shoot me an email and I can include you in the details.
 I can…
Read and comprehend literature including stories, dramas, poetry at the high end of  4-5 text complexity independently and proficiently.
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences.
Writers include text features to make their chapters more clear and interesting.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Informational Writing / Spring Break

I will make sure to send some photos along of our Thrilla in McMilla race this weekend! 
This week we worked on writing informational biographies of our mushers.  The kids worked hard and did a great job.  They really had an interest in their musher after moving them down the halls over the past couple weeks.  They taught me a ton about the Iditarod mushers this year!  The bibs they made were also very cool!  We will have our final bib signing early next week.  Another dog sled racing tradition. 
Next week we will continue working on informational writing, finish up a few things and get ready to enjoy some time off for spring break.  Have a great weekend!
 I can…
Explain the relationships and interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical text based on specific information in the text.
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences.
Writers include text features to make their chapters more clear and interesting.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Finishing Iditarod and it’s Enduring Themes

Well almost all of our mushers have finished the race.  By the end of weekend they all should be into Nome.  It’s been fun moving our mushers down the hallways each morning and following the updates when we come to school.  I hope the kids enjoyed learning about it, but more importantly the themes’ we talked about each day.  Determination, dedication, perseverance, and team work.  Not to mention having the courage to try something hard even if you fail.  When we get out of our comfort zone we grow and learn.  Those are the big ideas we talked about time and time again while reading and writing about this “Last Great Race!”

Next week, we will continue with our informational writing and reading from our ReadyGen Series.  I hope to see some of you at Spring Fling tonight! 

REMEMBER:  Thrilla in McMilla dog sled race next weekend March 26th.  If you have any questions let me know.  There are a few families I know for sure that are coming.  It will be a weekend they’ll remember for a long time.

 I can…

Determine meaning of the general academic and domain specific words and phrases in a text.

Writers analyze the style and structure of informational texts to determine what makes them interesting.

Writers use precise language to convey information clearly using facts, concrete details, and examples.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Following the Iditarod and Informational Writing!

We were so fortunate to have a beautiful day for our 3rd annual Ikidarod last Friday!  We were on the front page of the Holland Sentinel last Saturday and the article was quite accurate.  Great times with these kids!

That really fueled our desire to follow the race this week/ next week and read all the updates and articles that are posted on  The race usually takes about 10 days for the leaders to finish and 15 to 20 days for all the teams to come into Nome AK.  Thrilla in McMilla note will becoming home this week.

Spring Fling is coming up next Friday March 18th.  If anyone else would like to donate our theme basket is “Animal Lover.”  We could use more items.  Anything pet related would be great!

I will be teaching the three classes informational writing for the next few weeks and we will return to science right after Spring Break.  Have a great weekend everyone!

 I can…

Compare and Contrast the overall structure in two or more texts.

Writers analyze, plan, and write informational texts.

Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the meaning, tone, or beauty of text.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Ikidarod and Iditarod!

This week our classroom smelled like a wood shop.  The kids kept commenting on how they liked the smell of fresh cut wood!  We started the week by collaborating on a google doc called “Working Towards Success.”   We listed together the behaviors that help us succeed and the behaviors that keep us from succeeding.  Each day we would review the document and recap how the building process was going.  I saw some of the best team work and collaboration this week!  Great job kids!  With a snow day and delay we had a hard deadline to meet.  Getting the sleds done took everyone helping and staying on task. Fun way to end our Force and Motion studies for sure. 
Stay tuned for a note coming home about the “Thrilla in McMilla” Dog Sled race March 26th. 
We will begin grading book projects this coming week and we are excited to finally get to follow the Iditarod!  Ceremonial start this Saturday in Anchorage!
 I can…
Compare and Contrast the overall structure in two or more texts.
Review force and motion concepts.  Specifically apply them to my designs, experiments, products
Quote accurately from a text when explaining inferences from the text.