Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ikidarod and Dog Sled Building

Above are some videos from last year!

This week we did some of our final force and motion experiments.  We took our fourth quick quiz and next week we will begin reviewing and get ready for the test. 

We will start designing our dog sleds for the Ikidarod that will take place on March 4th.  This year we will also be doing an IditaRead program throughout the school.  We will have checkpoints throughout the school. As soon as the students’ self chosen musher reaches a check point they will move the musher to that checkpoint.  Eventually all the mushers will end up down here at 5th grade (Nome).  We will be using reading sheets to chart our minutes for an Iditaread Dog Tag prize. 

We would like to thank Zeeland Lumber for being our Ikidarod sponsor this year and donating all the wood.  See the building video and Ikidarod video from last year.

Ikidarod will be Mar. 4th 2pm

 I can…

Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in informational text

Review force and motion concepts.  Specifically apply them to my designs, experiments, products

Relate themes in literary essays to my own life and write a call to action for my readers