Thursday, April 23, 2015

M-STEP and Solar System

The kids worked very hard this week on the M-STEP.  It was an extremely difficult test to say the least!  So wacky hair and wacky clothes day was appropriate this Friday!  LOL!
Next week we will begin switching for science.  Our class will be going to Mrs. Greshaw’s  room to learn about the solar system.  We will be reading and writing about the topic in the mornings here to support her instruction of activities in the afternoon.
Keep in mind Sturgeon Guard weekend is coming May 9th!  We will be releasing our classroom sturgeon back into its home waters of Black Lake near Alpena.  The kids will begin selling our wristbands this coming week!  Should be exciting and a nice break from our testing the past two weeks.
Again, if you are interesting in attending the sturgeon weekend, let me know in an email or phone call so I know who to plan on.
I can…
Describe how objects in the solar system affect Earth.
Do Observational Writing and Push my Thinking about early America.
Solve coordinate graphing equations.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

M-STEP ( the new MEAP Test) Thrilla, and Sturgeon Guard

Have a fantastic Spring Break everyone!  When we return from break the kids will be taking the M-STEP which replaces the MEAP test.  We will be testing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the first two weeks back from school.  If the kids have a healthy breakfast and good nights sleep on test days that would be helpful!  Thank you for all you do as parents to prepare your students for these tests. 
When we return we’ll also begin our sturgeon wristband fundraiser that we had planned to do earlier.  Our Sturgeon Guard weekend will take place either the first or second weekend in May.  Hopefully the wristbands will fire the kids up!  It is another great learning experience and definitely an unforgettable weekend if you can make it to Onoway MI near Alpena.  I’ll send more info along as it approaches.
The “Thrilla in McMilla” race last weekend was beautiful!  The weather on Saturday was cold and sunny, the trail was fast and it warmed up to about 31 degrees during the day!   The kids did an amazing job and fun was had by all! 
 I can…
Describe some of the reasons the American Colonies and Britain went to war over independence
Do Observational Writing and Push my Thinking about the Rev. War.
Solve multi/step word problems using Add. Sub. Multi. Div.