Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday, Tuesday, and Thanksgiving Break

Math Video - Fractions multiplied by Fractions

Math Video - Fractions multiplied by Whole Numbers

We have a short week coming up.   We will be doing some finish up work and getting ready for nice long Thanksgiving Break. 
We will be finishing our Systems and Survival unit shortly after break.  We spent some time this week working on our Wetland Investigation iBook.  It is looking good so far!  We are hoping to have it uploaded to iTunes for download before Christmas Break.  It will be very helpful for students in the future to show all the questions and research the kids did on the wetlands this year.  
Have a great restful Thanksgiving with friends and family.

 I can…
Identifying theme and author’s message.
Compare and Contrast two or more settings or events in a story.
Generate scientific questions based on observations.  Design and conduct scientific experiments.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sturgeon Arrival/Native American Day and Conferences

Our sturgeon arrived today!  It was exciting to get the fish in it’s new home.  We will have to decide on a name next week, and start the hard work of caring for the fish daily with feeding and water testing. 
The kids also did a great job on our Native American Day.  It was great to see their projects done well and presented to the younger students.  Thank you for all the donations and support for our special days here at Quincy!
This week is conferences Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  I am looking forwarding to meeting with all of you! 

 I can…
Identifying theme and author’s message.
Use pronouns to show an author using third person.
Generate scientific questions and hypothesis, based on observations and research.