Monday, April 21, 2014

Energy and Electricity (Round 2)

We continue learning about energy and electricity this week.  Students will be working to create electrical circuits and experimenting with static electricity.  We will continue to read and write about energy and electricity in our daily five tasks during language arts.
We are nearing the end of our fraction unit this week.  Kids will be bringing home some unit review tests to go over for practice.  They have done quite well recently on our quick quizzes so I am hoping for some high scores on our end of the unit assessment!
It looks like Nature’s Kennel will be visiting our school on May 13th to do their Pulling Together presentation with the dogs and teach the kids about teamwork!  Exciting times! 
We are also looking forward to our Sturgeon Guard weekend coming in May. 
I can….
P.EN.04.41 Demonstrate how temperature can be increased in a substance by adding energy.P.EN.04.42 Describe heat as the energy produced when substances burn, certain kinds of materials rub against each other, and when electricity flows through wire.
 Big Idea 3 Multiplying Fractions with Whole Numbers.
Write in inform using appropriate details and examples, while also producing quality writing with conventions of capitalization. punctuation, and spelling.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Energy and Electricity

This week we’ll begin our studies of energy and electricity.  We will be reading, writing, and doing experiments related to energy and electricity.  I hope everyone enjoyed their spring break and all of the students are refreshed and ready for the final push to the end of the school year.  It goes fast now!  We will try to enjoy everyday and learn as much as we can! 
We will continue with Unit 6 in Math and Quick Quiz 3 will be coming later this week.  The students will be introduced to multiplying fractions with whole numbers.
A big thank you to our Superintendent Cal DeKuiper for being our quest referee at the basketball game.  He is a quality leader for sure!  

I can….
P.EN.04.41 Demonstrate how temperature can be increased in a substance by adding energy.P.EN.04.42 Describe heat as the energy produced when substances burn, certain kinds of materials rub against each other, and when electricity flows through wire.
 Big Idea 3 Multiplying Fractions with Whole Numbers.
Write in inform using appropriate details and examples, while also producing quality writing with conventions of capitalization. punctuation, and spelling.

Units of Study

Language Arts:
We will be responding to reading in our science text and other informational texts that cover energy and electricity.
We continue writing our informational ibook “The Two Sturgeon that went to School”    The students are collaborating using Google Drive.  We would also love to publish it in a hard or paperback cover. 
Unit 6 Fraction Concepts and Operations.  This week we will move on to Big Idea 3 in Unit 6.

Energy and Electricity
Social Studies:
Government / Economics (coming soon)

Upcoming Important Events:

April 14 Mileage Club Starts 1-5 grades
April 21 Book Fair
April 25 Spring Fling 5-7pm
April 30 Wacky Clothes and Hair Day (free popcorn)
May 23rd All Day at Camp Geneva. 
(5:00-5:30pm pickup from school)